• What age group are these workshops intended for?

    My reading and writing workshops are geared towards middle school students, grades 6-8. The age range is intentionally kept small in order to help students foster meaningful relationships with one another, and to cultivate an atmosphere of trust when sharing writing pieces.

  • Who teaches the workshops?

    That would be me, Madlen! See the About Me section for more information.

  • Where do workshops take place?

    Workshops take place in Mission Viejo, in the backyard of my home. Direct teaching and group work happen around a table, and students are free to utilize the rest of the outside space for independent writing time and partner work.

  • Does my student need to attend all of a workshop's sessions, or can they pick and choose?

    Workshops build conceptually and in difficulty from session to session, so it’s crucial that students attend all sessions of workshop. Of course, sometimes life happens. If a student is unexpectedly unable to attend a session due to illness or another emergency, we’ll work something out.

  • What should students bring to the workshop?

    This will vary based on the type of workshop. Required materials are very minimal in all cases.

  • Are parents invited to stay and observe?

    I find that writers are less likely to open up and be vulnerable in the writing process when they feel they are being watched or judged by a parent. Because of this, I ask that parents drop their students at the start of the workshop, and return to pick them up at the end.

  • Will students get a break during each session?

    Yes. Writing and reading groups will always take a break about halfway through each session. Students are welcome to bring a snack to enjoy during that time as well.

  • Is there homework?

    For writing groups, students will have the option to work on their pieces outside of workshop time. This is not required. For reading workshop, specifically Book Club, students will likely need to complete some reading outside of workshop time in order to finish their novels.

  • If multiple workshops are being offered, can my student sign up for more than one?


  • How do you calculate the cost of each workshop?

    Writing workshops are calculated at $45/hour. Reading workshops are calculated at $40/hour.

  • What will my student walk away with at the end of the workshop experience?

    Physically, writing workshop students will walk away with a portfolio of various personal writing pieces, as well as a writer’s notebook they can continue to use well beyond the workshop. Reading workshop students will leave with a reading portfolio of written responses and creative keepsakes they will develop throughout the course of reading their novels. Reading workshop students will also learn and practice an array of comprehension and analysis strategies they can take with them moving forward. Most importantly, I hope both writers and readers will walk away with a new or renewed sense of autonomy and excitement surrounding the reading/writing process. The goal is for students to continue their literary pursuits long after leaving my workshops.